Posts Tagged With: Gallup New Mexico

Travel Down The Road Of Heartache – Chapter One

It wasn’t always like this, the man thought.

At one time he had a home and a wife and a good job.  A steady but unspectacular existence that paid the bills and kept up some semblance of appearances.  Weeks on end followed by weeks on end bought a stream of peace of mind that stretched out into the horizon, and beyond.  It was the American dream, really.  Comfort, predictability, and a calm that came with every breath.

Then one day his wife said she had had enough.  Bored, looking for more or some such collection of reasons that were hatched in a brain not his own.  Within a month, his job was downsized as a result of policy created in a far-off and disconnected from reality fantasy land where do-gooders reign and the masses are left to deal with and survive in spite of them. Continue reading

Categories: Kevin, Novella, The Both of Us | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments

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